Friendicoes runs a dedicated Spay / Neuter program for street dogs and cats. Friendicoes pioneered the program since 1993 and paved the way for sterilisation to be the only method used as a humane and scientific way of controlling the population of street dogs and cats. We fully endorse the A.B.C. (Animal Birth Control) program, which is the national policy or what is commonly known as a sterilisation and vaccination program in India, and is run in partnership with municipal corporations or animal husbandry departments or with sponsorships of companies, foundations and trusts.
Friendicoes runs 12 Sterilisation centres dedicated to the sterilisation and vaccination programme for stray dogs – across Delhi (4), Uttar Pradesh (3), Haryana (1), Punjab (1), Uttarakhand (1), Jammu (1) and Andamans (1), and hopes to expand its work as it is critical that the street dog population be controlled to mitigate the cruelties that happen in the streets to puppies and lactating mothers, ranging from physical beatings and road accidents to horrific episodes of stabbing, poisoning and being put in sacks and drowned. Upon request from local authorities or individual advocates, we also organise Spay/Neuter/Vaccination camps in villages and towns across North India.
A similar spay and neuter programme was initiated for stray cats in the capital by Friendicoes, in partnership with local volunteers and cat lovers in 2019. By the beginning of 2022, over 3000 surgeries had been completed, and thanks to the collaboration with the TNVR programme volunteers, this programme continues steadily and we are now touching 9000 cat spay / neuters by mid 2023.
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